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Values and Vision

At Claremont, we believe that every child should have the best possible start to their education and through this, should be given a wide range of opportunities and the chance to develop skills to fulfil their potential. Claremont is committed to providing a challenging and stimulating environment where children are understood as individuals with individual needs. Our aim is to support all children to be confident, be curious and be creative.

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Our school values are: 

  • Autumn 1: Determination with self-belief
  • Autumn 2: Respect and kindness
  • Spring: Joy in wellbeing
  • Summer: Imagination through curiosity 

British values are implicit in whole school practice:

  • Democracy: school council, digital leaders, sports leaders, green team; an understanding of how citizens can influence decision-making; children actively take part in voting processes in those pupil-led groups and also things like Claremont's Got Talent.
  • Rule of law: as shown in the school’s code of conduct and the positive behaviour policy; marking and feedback give clear guidance to expectations and self-improvement.
  • Individual liberty: all children know they have a voice; assemblies, such as Anti-bullying Week; online safety, choice of after school clubs; some choices at lunchtime (eg. Maslow’s Corners, The Haven, self-service salad bar and dessert).
  • Mutual respect for and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs and for those without faith: our whole school ethos, values and pillars; the curriculum characteristics; Using KCC RE scheme of work which provides varied opportunity to explore, learn and discuss cultures, and faiths within the context of England and the world; extra-curricular- EAL celebrations from our community; displays; new school values and school assemblies, wellbeing ambassadors, buddies, sporting events.

Our vision is to provide: A hub of educational excellence and innovation, supporting and valuing everyone.