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School Improvement Plan

The School Improvement Cycle 

The school improvement cycle enables staff, parents and governors to have the long-term strategic over view of the intended development of the school for the current academic year.

Using internal and external data to establish where the school is at the end of the previous academic year supports how we identify key areas for improvement. These are what we call the Key Drivers. This then informs the School Improvement Plan, success criteria and individual group actions.

Each group is led by a member of the school middle leadership team, who have expertise in that area. Other staff, including support staff, join one of the groups. A link governor meets with the Middle leader three times a year and monitors the actions and their impact. Throughout the year the actions will be reviewed and developed. Staff appraisals are also linked to the success criteria of the School Improvement Plan, as is the CPD programme and budget setting.

Our Key Drivers for our School Improvement Plan 2023-24 are:

  • Extend and sustain an inclusive and positive culture that allows ALL to be confident, curious and creative in our community.
  • Explore effective QFT 'toolkits' including modelling and deliberate practice for extended writing across the curriculum.
  • Secure significant progress across the curriculum for ALL pupils, including those with SEND and PP.
  • Further develop the learning environment- both inside and out- to enhance learning experiences and support transferal of skills from discrete learning.
  • Create and implement a progressive dialogic approach.

Financial Benchmarking

Our strategic plan revolves around the best outcomes for our pupils. Of course there are financial implications attached to that and as part of best practice, schools are required to benchmark financially against other schools in order to ensure that the most effective use of money is taking place. Claremont Primary School currently employees no staff over £100,000.00. Please click on this link for details.