Clubs and Music Lessons
There are a number of clubs and activities at Claremont. Some are run by staff and others by organisations independent from the school. Please see below for the list.
external providers - ALL YEAR ROUND CLUBS
For clubs that are run by outside organisations, please contact them directly. All arrangements are made through them and are independent of the school office. Fees apply to external clubs.
Spanish club - All year groups - 3.30-4.30pm in Cedar and Rowan classes
Contact details- 900072 or 092930
Wild Wood Kids - Forest School - All year groups - 3.30-4.45pm on Woods' Field - starts Term 4 (FULL)
Contact details-
Cheerleading club - YEARS 3-6 - 8.00-8.45aM in the hall
Contact details-
Jam Coding - years 3-6 - 3.30-4.30pm in Elder class
Contact details-
Jazz dance and musical theatre - Year R, Year 1 and Year 5 Only - 3.30-4.30pm in the hall
Contact details-
karate - All year groups - 5.00-7.00pm in the hall
Contact details-
Gymnastics - years 1-6 - 8.00-8.50am in the hall
Contact details- Hayley Ellis and John Ellis.(This club is full, with a long waiting list)
YELLOW BRICK LAB - years 1 & 2 - 3.30-5.00pm in Ash class
Contact details- or email
First class football - girls - years 1-6 - 3.30-4.30pm on woods field
Contact details-
Freestyle dance - Years 1 & 2 - 3.30-4.15pm | Years 3-6 - 4.30-5.15pm in the hall
Contact details- 07957 769550 /
Gymnastics - years 1-6 - 8.00-8.50am in the hall
Contact details- (to be added to waiting list)
art room - years 2-6 - 3.30-5.00pm in whitebeam class
Contact details-
YELLOW BRICK LAB - years 1 & 2 - 3.30-5.00pm in ELM class
Contact details- or email
First class football - boys - years 1-4 - 3.30-4.30pm on woods field
Contact details-
Les Puces French club - all year groups - 3.30-4.30pm in acer classroom
Contact details-
SCHOOL LED CLUBS - termly and all year round
For clubs that are teacher-led, please wait for a sign up letter to come home. Copies are also attached to this page. There are no fees for these clubs but they are subject to cancellation at short notice.
terms 1 & 2
cross country - years 3-6 - 3.30-4.30pm (4.15pm after half-term) on woods field
Mondays with Mr Hume - please see this letter
football squad- boys - years 5 & 6 - 3.30-4.30pm on sports field (until all games played)
Mondays with Mr Care - please see this letter.
football squad- girls - years 5 & 6 - 3.30-4.30pm (4.15pm after half-term) on sports field
Wednesdays (Terms 1-4) with Mr Hume - please see this letter.
indoor athletics - years 5 & 6 - 8.00-8.45am in the hall
Mondays in Term 2 with Sports Partnership - please see this letter.
netball - years 5 & 6 - 3.30-4.30pm on playground
Tuesdays in Terms 2 to 4 with Sports Partnership - please see this letter.
terms 3 & 4
cheerleading - years 4-6 - 3.30-4.30pm in hall
Mondays in Term 3 with Sports Partnership - please see this letter
hockey - years 3 & 4 - 3.30-4.20pm on playground
Mondays in Term 3 only with Mr Hume - please see this letter
indoor athletics - years 3 & 4 - 8.00-8.45am in the hall
Mondays in Term 3 with Sports Partnership - please see this letter
hockey - years 5 & 6 - 3.30-4.20pm on playground
Mondays in Term 4 only with Mr Hume - please see this letter
Fridays in Term 4 only with Mr Hume - please see this letter
terms 5 & 6
tri-golf - years 3 & 4 - 8.00-8.45am ON sports FIELD
Mondays in Term 5 only with Sports Partnership - information to follow
athletics - years 2 & 3 - 8.00-8.45am on sports field
Wednesdays in Terms 5 & 6 with Mr Hume - information to follow
cricket - years 5 & 6 - 3.30-4.20pm on sports field
Wednesdays in Terms 5 & 6 with Mr Hume - information to follow
athletics - years 4-6 - 8.00-8.45am on sports field
Thursdays in Terms 5 & 6 with Mr Hume - information to follow
cricket - years 3 & 4 - 3.30-4.30pm on sports field
Thursdays in Terms 5 & 6 with Mr Hume - information to follow
dodgeball - years 2 & 3 - 3.30-4.30pm on playground
Thursdays in Term 6 only with Sports Partnership - information to follow
school led clubs - all year round
choir - years 3-6
Y3 & 4 choir - Tuesday during assembly - Miss Newby. Commencing week 5
Y5 & 6 choir - Wednesday during assembly - Mr Greaves Commencing week 5
Please see our Wraparound Care page for information about our Breakfast and After School provision. If you would like more information about childminders or after school care, please follow this link to the Kent County Council website.
Music Lessons
Music Lessons are privately arranged directly with the following providers. Please contact them for information:
- Kent Music (piano and flute):
- Rock and Pop Foundation (guitar): 01252 368330
- Tunbridge Wells Music School (drums): 07949 665340
- i-Rock: 0330 174 2655
Some children excel and go on a significant journey with music; a journey which they continue and take through their whole educational voyage. They may be gifted and talented in music. Music may take them towards a future of orchestras, musicals, bands and performances. If this is your child then the Assisted Instrument Purchase Scheme may be a scheme that might be useful to you. Please see the attached document.