Coming to School
Accessing and using the school site
Please follow the link to the KCC approved Travel to School Plan
The main entrance to the school during the school day is via Banner Farm Road. Gates on Claremont Road and Cambridge Gardens are only open from 8.45am (for 30 minutes) and then again from 3.15pm until 5.00pm.
Cambridge Gardens is a private road and we use it at the residents' discretion. Please do not drive or park along this road at any time. If you are walking along this road, please respect the residents' property and privacy.
When entering/exiting the school grounds from Banner Farm Road on foot, please DO NOT use the vehicle gate access.
For children attending before school clubs, children should enter by the gate at the top of the car park at 8.00am. Please wait outside the gate on the footpath in the car park until this gate is opened.
When arriving at school for the normal school day, the pedestrian entrance at the top of Banner Farm Road will be open at 8.45am. Unless attending an early morning activity, children and adults should not enter the site before 8.45am. All other entrances (Cambridge Gardens and Claremont Road) will be opened from 8.45am.
If you arrive at the school during the course of the school day (on foot), please use the buzzer on the front gate (on Banner Farm Road) and speak to the School Office to gain entry.
We ask parents NOT to drive up Banner Farm Road, particularly at the start and the end of the school day. It is a very narrow dead end road, with very little space to turn. Children have to use and cross the road and any additional traffic increases the chances of there being a serious accident involving a child.
The school car park is for staff use ONLY.
If you are driving to school, please park safely on Farmcombe Road and walk your child the rest of the way. However, we do encourage parents to walk to school whenever possible.
Children are allowed to walk unaccompanied to and from school from Year 4 onward. Please complete the Home Time Arrangements form and submit to the class teacher/school office if you want your child to do this.
At the end of the school day, we ask parents not to enter the school grounds or playgrounds until 3.20pm at the earliest as lessons can still be in progress.
Pupils and pre-school children are not allowed to play on the playgrounds or school site before or after school.
Scooters and bicycles must be left in the designated areas.
Dogs are not allowed to be walked or carried onto the school site.
The school opens at 8.45am and children are not allowed on site without a parent or guardian before this time. Children should be in school by 8.55am as registration is at 9.00am.
Break time for all years is 10.30 to 10.50am and children are allowed to bring in a fruit snack for morning break.
Reception and KS1 children have lunch from 12.00-1.00pm and KS2 children from 12.30-1.30pm.
Reception and KS1 children have an afternoon break from 2.15-2.30pm.
Pupils finish school at 3.25pm. Parents should notify the office if they are going to be late collecting their child or if there is a change to the normal pick-up arrangements. Teaching staff are on a rota to sweep the school site at the end of the day. In the unfortunate event a child hasn't been picked up, they will be returned to the class teacher and will wait with them. Staff will contact the parents/carers or emergency contacts as necessary.
Children are at school for 32.5 hours a week in-line with DfE guidelines. This does not include before or after school extra-curricular activities but does include breaks and lunchtimes.