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Be confident, be curious, be creative

Creative Curriculum

At Claremont, it is important to us that learning is engaging, as this is when we learn best! Our curriculum is inspiring and exciting and includes educational visits and special visitors to give the children real experiences. Enquiry is key to our curriculum. Through a project-based approach, the pupils learn to be collaborators, innovators, leaders and risk-takers. We plan using a robust subject skills progression. To us, skills are just as important as knowledge and therefore, we are sometimes brave in our approach – ‘do less but do it better!’

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Early Years
Our Early Years Team will support and extend your child’s intellectual, social and physical development along with their emotional wellbeing. Our aim is to foster a love of lifelong learning in the precious first year of their school life.  Our curriculum is embedded across all areas of learning, which have an important and equal weighting, giving opportunities for all children to  be creative, explore, take risks and follow their own interests. Play and Learning are a crucial part to our learning and meeting every child’s individual needs – the children will have so much fun they will not notice how much they are learning and developing! 

Terms 1  & 2 (Discover) Curriculum Map
Terms 3 & 4 (Explore) Curriculum Map
Terms 5 & 6 (Create) Curriculum Map

Year 1
Year 1 is an exciting, engaging and motivating stepping stone from the Early Years to KS1. We create an environment that fosters independent and confident learning in a nurturing, caring setting. We strive to stretch and challenge each child so that they can achieve their true potential, whilst allowing their individual interests and creativity to blossom. This is especially evident in their Plan Do Review sessions.

Phonics continues to be an integral part of learning. The children enjoy daily Phonics lessons, which are taught through a multisensory approach. We ensure that the children are thoroughly prepared for the Phonics Screening Check at the end of the year.

Our year is structured around three core themes; Discover, Explore and Create:
The Discover theme is led by our key question ‘What was life like 1000 years ago?’ Within this, the children learn about the Medieval Period, The Battle of Hastings and how life was similar and different to today. Visiting a local castle is always a highlight!
During Explore, we compare and contrast Tunbridge Wells (here) to the Arctic Circle and in particular, Sisimiut (si-si-mi-et) a town in Greenland (there). The children appreciate learning about the different cultures, lifestyles, weather and climate within our question 'What makes a home here and there?'. Uncovering our learning by melting ice and cracking the clues is an unforgettable 'hook' into the Explore theme.
Finally, in Create, the curriculum is enriched with Art, Music and DT opportunities. The children experience first-hand how plants and animals live and grow. Our trip to the Ashdown Forest really enhances their knowledge and understanding about the world around them.

Central to Year 1 is our focus on wellbeing, promoting a lifelong love of learning and encouraging independence. We truly believe that a happy child is a happy and successful learner.

Terms 1  & 2 (Discover) Curriculum Map
Terms 3 & 4 (Explore) Curriculum Map
Terms 5 & 6 (Create) Curriculum Map

Year 2
Year 2 is a time of significant academic, social and developmental progress for the children. We nurture self-confidence and independence and provide opportunities for them to make their own choices and help them take responsibility for their actions and belongings.

The Discover theme is an exciting opportunity to develop historical enquiry skills, through learning about The Great Fire of London. We welcome into school a theatre company to bring this learning to life. We analyse the changes that were made because of the fire and collaborate together to produce a large-scale sketch of St Paul's Cathedral. The children really enjoy playing the Great Fire of London online game to test their knowledge. 
During our Explore term, the children master map work and fieldwork skills whilst comparing two coastal areas - Mombasa and Eastbourne. A highlight of the term is our fieldwork trip to Eastbourne, where we study human and physical features, undertake map and compass work and obtain information through questionnaires. 
Throughout the Create theme, the children enjoy learning about animals, through painting, sculpture and other forms of artwork. A highlight of this is using natural resources to create unique pieces. 

Our fundamental aim is to nurture confident, happy children and to prepare them for their time in Key Stage Two. 

Terms 1  & 2 (Discover) Curriculum Map
Terms 3 & 4 (Explore) Curriculum Map
Terms 5 & 6 (Create) Curriculum Map

Year 3

In Year 3, the children are stepping up from Key Stage 1 into the wider pastures of Key Stage 2, where they learn to become increasingly independent and self-sufficient. Making mistakes and being willing to take risks, as well as being reflective and taking responsibility for their own learning, are all pivotal to the children's learning journey in Year 3. Our job as teachers is to help them manage that transition and facilitate their growing independence.

The Discover theme is an exciting opportunity to develop historical enquiry skills through our big question, 'How do we learn about the past?' The children learn about life in the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age, comparing it to modern day life. They get to immerse themselves in the lives of the Romans, focusing on how they have impacted our lives today.

During our Explore term, the children master map work and fieldwork skills whilst learning about the United Kingdom. The children learn about rivers and what we are doing to our world, with a focus on plastic pollution. 

Throughout the Create theme, the children enjoy learning about mono-printing with the aim of creating a collaborative piece. The focus throughout the term is telling stories and using these pictures as stimuli.

Overall, our aim is to provide the children with the skills, both emotional and educational, to progress into Year 4 with confidence and happiness.

Terms 1  & 2 (Discover) Curriculum Map
Terms 3 & 4 (Explore) Curriculum Map
Terms 5 & 6 (Create) Curriculum Map

Year 4

Year 4 is unique in many ways. Children are encouraged to develop their independence and take more responsibility for their learning. The overnight residential trip allows the children opportunities to push themselves beyond their comfort zone and work collaboratively.
The outdoor areas at school are also utilised throughout the year, along with welly walks.

Carroty Wood Residential Trip
Acer and Juniper experience an overnight trip to Carroty Wood in October. This is an annual event for children in Year 4 where they take part in team challenges and stay overnight. During the trip, the children are encouraged to be independent and carry out chores such as making the beds, washing up, preparing for meals and hoovering their rooms. This trip allows the new classes to bond with each other and links with our school value of determination with self-belief.

During the Autumn term, the children learn about the invasion and settlement in Britain by the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings. We discover whether invasion is ever justified and why Britain was such an appealing place to live. Through historical enquiry, the children explore different sources and consider the reliability of these finds. Learning experiences include retelling the story of Beowulf, Viking day and handling Anglo-Saxon artefacts. 

During the Spring term, our big question is ‘Can we always control change in the world?’ The children explore the locational Geography of Europe which includes capital cities, mountains, rivers and landmarks. We also explore the effect humans have on our planet and what we can do to help reduce climate change in our local area.

Terms 1  & 2 (Discover) Curriculum Map
Terms 3 & 4 (Explore) Curriculum Map
Terms 5 & 6 (Create) Curriculum Map

Year 5

In Year 5, the children are expected to take risks, make mistakes and accept constructive feedback. They will need to be more reflective and take a greater level of responsibility for their own learning. Children generally find that there is a big step up from Year 4 to Year 5, as it is necessary them to become increasingly self-sufficient and independent. In order to support their continuing development, we work on building up their life-long learning skills such as resilience, reflectiveness, self-belief and curiosity.

Discover – “What did the ancient Greeks ever do for us?”

Much of our learning is framed around the ancient Greeks and our Power of Reading text ‘The Adventures of Odysseus’. The children will be developing their historical enquiry skills by examining a range of sources, artefacts and events that shaped the ancient Greek civilisation. They will also hone their sketching and clay working skills in Art, learn to make soups in DT and explore forces and space through Science. We also visit the observatory at Herstmonceux in this term, linked to our space topic.

Explore – “Can we keep ravaging the Earth whilst ignoring the consequences?”

The theme this term centres around geography, which focuses on Brazil and the Amazon Rainforest. Our Power of Reading text for this term, ‘Journey to the River Sea’, is also linked to this theme. The children will learn how to use wire to create a collaborative leaf sculpture in Art, design a security device in DT and learn about life cycles in Science. We will be exploring colour in our local environment for our geography fieldwork project, which will take us out and about in the town.

Create – “What does it mean to believe in the impossible?”

This term’s big question is a little more philosophical in nature, and stems from our third Power of Reading text, ‘Rooftoppers’, which is set in Paris. We continue with our Parisian theme with this term’s Art project for the Create exhibition, in which the children will be creating a texture painting on canvas, inspired by Paris. Our DT project for the summer involves woodworking and creating a model dragster. The children will be experimenting with different materials in Science, whilst later learning what it means to grow and age. We also return to History in the summer term, and learn about life and death in ancient Egypt, which will also take us on a trip to the British Museum to visit their Egyptian and Greek galleries.

Terms 1  & 2 (Discover) Curriculum Map
Terms 3 & 4 (Explore) Curriculum Map
Terms 5 & 6 (Create) Curriculum Map

Year 6
In Year 6, pupils are encouraged to grow in confidence and independence, as they prepare for their transition to secondary school. Year 6 provides the children with an opportunity to experience an innovative and creative curriculum, based on an enquiry approach.

Discover: 'What was life like....?'
The Discover theme is an exciting opportunity for pupils to develop historical enquiry skills through an in-depth study of the Second World War.  All their History learning is culminated in an exciting finish - their project. They work in teams to film and edit a documentary. This includes going off-site for filming and interviewing experts in school.

Explore: 'How can we make a difference?
During our 'Explore' term, the pupils learn all about earthquakes and volcanoes, as well as mastering fieldwork and mapping skills. With the fieldwork project, pupils generate a big enquiry question and go out into the community to collect data and then present their findings. Pupils also learn about renewable energy. They explore different energy types and decide what is best for a local area, as well as nationally. The fantastic finish is a live website page, which pupils complete in Computing.

Create: 'How does the media influence us?'
The children will create an arts project, which links to popular culture. They will also use their knowledge of electrical circuits, alongside their DT skills, to design and make an electrical fairground ride. 

The Create term would not be what it is without the Year 6 residential to Wales! Pupils travel to the edge of Snowdonia National Park and take part in activities, such as abseiling, gorge-walking and hiking. 

In what is always a busy term for the children, other highlights include the end-of-year BBQ, the wet towel race on sports day and our Year 6 show!

Terms 1  & 2 (Discover) Curriculum Map
Terms 3 & 4 (Explore) Curriculum Map
Terms 5 & 6 (Create) Curriculum Map